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bandeira do Brasil bandeira do Brasil
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Is it possible to kill dozens of people, destroy the lives of thousands, contaminate a river, destroy the fauna and flora within a radius of hundreds of kilometers and still remain unpunished?

Stories of the largest socio-environmental disaster of our history.
Imagem que representa A História do povo Krenak
The History of the Krenak People
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Imagem que representa A História do Carlos Arlindo
Story of Carlos Arlindo
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Imagem que representa A História do Wesley
Story of Wesley
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Imagem que representa A História do Professor
Story of Teacher's
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Imagem que representa A História da Priscila Izabel
Story of Priscila Izabel
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Imagem que representa A História da Tatiele Quilombo
Story of Tatiele Quilombo
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Imagem que representa A História da Gelvana Rodrigues
Story of Gelvana Aparecida Rodrigues
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Imagem que representa A História da Ana
Story of Ana
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43 million cubic metres of toxic material: iron ore and silica tailings.

Imagem de satélite mostrando a destruição que a lama fez na cidade.
Imagem de satélite antes da destruição que a lama fez na cidade.

Mariana was not an accident, it was a tragedy with clear incumbents.

Brazil deserves a fair redress. Give voice to us, the voiceless: Sign the Manifesto
Imagem simulando o estrago de lama em pontos turísticos da Austrália e Estados Unidos.

Brazil deserves a fair redress.

How can you help? By being understanding and sharing.
 Image of a timeline, with text: November 5, 2015, 8 years have passed and this mud just sinks deeper.
days since the crime
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